Truth can be hurtful but Lying is most!

Okay. Yes. I am hurt right now and then. Huhu. I am hurt by this truthfulness and lying-ness of somebody. Anyone. I don't really care as ling as they are the one that related to me. Family, Love, Friends, Enemy or anyone else. I just hurt and so sick of being told the true things and I hurt more of being lying by somebody. Why? Why I felt this? Huh! I don't even know it as Ibu ever said that, let people do what they wanted to do toward us, and we only have to thank to God as giving us those challenges to make us stronger everyday.

I found that, there some benefits of lying to others or being lied by somebody. But do not ever practice this at home or to anybody if the situation doesn't force you to do so. There are some situations that you might have to lie to people and same goes to the somebody who lie to us.

What are the possible advantages of not always being completely candid and truthful?

Are there some reasons for lying, some of which may be more acceptable than others? Is it possible that our close relationships could not work without some degree of deception?

Could any relationship withstand "the truth, and nothing, but the truth?"

Whether we like it or not, it appears that our relationships are held together, not only by telling the truth, but by also telling an occasional lie.

So what are some of the advantages or more acceptable reasons for lying?

  • the truth can be hurtful
  • helps avoid unnecessary conflict
  • helps maintain a sense of privacy
Of course, there are many disadvantages as well.

While deception helps us...
  • avoid hurting others
  • avoid conflict
  • and regain a sense of freedom and control
... lying in a close relationship is not completely cost free.

Using deception, especially with a romantic partner, can lead to a lot of problems in its own right.

  • destroys trust and creates distance
  • limits a partner's choices
  • and it's hard to contain
I shared this because I experienced it for too many times, if it's not happen to myself it happened to peoples' around me. I looked with my own eyes, I felt with my own heart. What more to experienced. I'm headache and sick with all this. As we know, nobody's perfect and everyone made a mistake or neither mistakes but it doesn't mean that you have to lie all the time for your goodness! It's not good. You want people to trust on you, trust on what you said, trust on what you do and even trust on what you did not do. But, do you think that people gonna trust if you kept on lying to them. If I were at their place I would not trust you anymore ever and ever. It's hard to be cheated. It's hard to forget what you ever did.

I knew it well because I felt the worst before. When we trust on somebody that he/she would never lie to you, that person that you trust so much would be the one that lie to you. That is why "DO NOT TRUST PEOPLE 100%". Huh! But I made a wrong step as to trust people so much. Thus, I decide now to not trust people more than you trust your self. Haha. (Loser betul I ni kan boleh dok percaya kat orang lain).
Do not use lying as a medium of your happiness because one day you'll find that it's bad and at the time you realized it, it's to late to turning back as you hurt so many feelings before by lying to them. Do not make it as hobby to be done, there so many things you could do rather than lying to people. Be strong because you know that you will be cheated by people, maybe not now but someday because it's common to be cheated. Till then.


P/S : It's hurt buddy! It's hurt.


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