The Dimsum Place by Sheila Rusly


The other day me and my two sisters went to The Dimsum Place in TTDi, the newly open branch. What I would say is, the food were mostly four out of five. Most of them sedap, some are so-so, somehow can repeat makan di situ in the future.

Recommended, but disclaimer awal-awal, do not put your expectation too high. Takut karang dah expect the taste like some other famous dim-sum restaurant, kalau tak sama nanti will turn your mood down. They are them la ya. Their taste would not be the same as the others.

Tapi what I would say, sedap boleh makan. Price wise lebih kurang dengan other dim-sum restaurant. No cheap like beli frozen punya. However, why not we support local (Muslim summore) right? Embrace the food, the ambiance, the time spend with friends or family ok?

Lets have a look of all pictures taken;

This one is the favorite. Sedap. Not you usual mantou.

Going to repeat them soon. See you in next post. Woot! Woot!


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