Life As We Know It

Wahhaa. What a starter for my entry. I actually wanted to publish this bout a week ago but I don't have free time to do so. Thus, I picked today as my pleasure day to publish this entry about this movie. Wohoo! I mentioned it in my latest entry which Life As We Know It was the sweetest movie I ever watched. Pergh! (tangkap leleh beb!!! Hehe).

Okay. The synopsis or cerpen of the story is, Holly Berenson (Katherine Heigl) is an up-and-coming caterer and Eric Messer (Josh Duhamel) is a promising network sports director. After a disastrous first date, the only thing they have in common is their dislike for each other and their love for their goddaughter, Sophie (the walking' baby in the picture). But when they suddenly become all Sophie has in this entire world, Holly and Messer are forced to put their differences aside. Juggling career ambitions and competing social calendars, they will have to find some common ground while living under one roof after their best buddies died in an accident.

Casted by :  Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhamel, Josh Lucas, Alexis Clagett, Bryn Clagett, Brooke Clagett.
Directed by : Greg Berlanti.

This movie genre is a comedy drama which at once they will make you laugh then cry. Huu. Very touchable story. I even cry along watching this movie because of laughing and cry because of crying. Heh! What a sentences. To those who are not watching this movie yet, you can try to watch this first then decide whether to go or to not go. Hee. I really like this part;
So lovely family.

I wished I have one exactly like this. Huhu. I don't know the real story of me when I was a kid. How am I look like pun tak tau. Hee. Ibu ever told me that, but I forgot. **Fiuhh. Wanna see the main cast in this story in a big photos? I provide you with this;
How can I look as beautiful as her?
How can my brother look as handsome as him? Haha.

Huikhuik. Sorry bro. I didn't mean to. But fyi, you looked like this
Yes, Shah Rukh Khan.

Ok la tuh kan. Handsome jugak pe. Kan? Hehe. Eyy, enough is enough. Go and watch for My Name is Khan. Eh silap, Life As We Know It NOW! NOW! NOW! Rugi tak tengok. Hmmmmm. Go for it people.

Hee. Enjoy~ Till then.



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