I am what I am

Salam. How are you guys doing yesterday, today and tomorrow (you not gonna know what will happen tomorrow okay)? Hope that everyone is fine. Today I wanna talk about myself, what am I, where did I lived for the rest of my moving life, who I am, when did I be like this and that and all WH questions. Okay. Today I'm gonna open everything in my life to share with all. Pleasure kan?

I am what I am. I don't wanna be anyone else. Who wants to be others? (Orang gila je mau). I want to be someone USEFUL and don't even running in my mind to be losers. Tho, sometimes I am a loser for certain things. Hehe. As you all know, everyone made mistakes right, including me, you, others and everybody in this world. Why? Because, we are just a human being who were so little as to compare to Allah yang Mencipta Seluruh Alam. I try to be someone that people are easy to be with and comfort to live with. But, I have no ability to be perfect. Nobody perfect. Remember! We are just a human. As a human, we know that we can't go beyond what only we could do. We can't reach over the top but we can always be at the top together with a big heart of struggling to be succeed. We try harder than yesterday to be better today and stronger than today to be greater tomorrow. Always pray and hope that you will be better everyday, not worst. Hope for good things!

Don't hope that your dream will become reality as if you don't work harder to be the best. You have to learn from all your mistakes you've made and that is your guided book for you to became more efficient and brilliant in living a life. You have to learn from the underground to be at the top ground. Huhu. You have to learn so much things to be somebody that people respect to. It's hard to be but we can try to be. We can't see what we do, we can't simply said that we are always right of what we doing. We can't simply said that what we do is what people must do too. No. No. No. Don't ever be like those people who always think that they are perfect enough to just like i read somebody's title, "Semua orang sepatutnya kena jadi macam saya,". Are you good enough to say that? Think it yourself. I think that the most good and greatest way to know who we are is peoples around you. Ask them whether you do the right thing or not. Ask them, will they do the same thing if they are at your place. Asking is better. Ask is the key for your to be succeed. Kata pepatah, "Malu bertanya, sesat jalan". So, think, think, think.

Think before you say something. Always and forever do this because you will never know people's heart. We dunno either the words we spoke out are okay or it's a sensitive issue for others. So, think before you say anything. If you feel like, okay this and this should not be said by me, so don't say. It might hurt somebody's feeling. Huh! I experienced this once or maybe twice or trice or even lot more. I can't remember. After that thing happened, I always be the victim who deserved that type of hard-spoken words. Start from that moment, I learnt how to talk politely and to think before saying something. I knew that till now that, most people are hurt with the way I talk. I dunno how to change but I always wanted to change as I want everybody to be okay with me. I want it. I don't want the titik hitam hidup will happen again. I don't want that so much. It hurts! It's painful! Okay done. I dun want to remind myself about that. (Ceh, padahal dah TERremind dah pun). Nahh! It's okay. It such a history of life that I will never forget for the rest of my life.

I actually, suddenly, tiba-tiba, and whatsoever, refreshing my memory of life from the photos I found. I watch it repeatedly till I got this idea to publish the photos in my blog as it lives forever. Thus, before I publish it, I would like to share story I shared above with readers. Everybody knows your own self and you even know that you might have titik hitam hidup sendiri right? It must! Because as I said we are just a human who can't refused things that we can't and have to accept thing that we don't want to. Human! Little! In a BIG WORLD of Allah. So little! Thus, appreciate life as we a still breathe in and out in a very dirty environment now. Still, we are alive as compared to the people at Gaza and so much more with the same fate. Huhu. Okay lah. Done of sharing is caring.

Now, I want you to see me and perfectly alone. Huhu. Enjoy~~
So, done with everything. I'm tired enough and wanted to go for beauty sleep tho I am not beauty at all but Alhamdulillah for everything I had now. Syukur. Till then.


P/S : Reality is I don't even tell about background of me pun. Just experiences I had in life je yang banyak. Huhu. Sorry readers.


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