Finally, it happened!

Yeah people. It's my birthday celebration. Huu. On the day, I was celebrating my birthday and anniversary with Love at Chili's Restaurant, Mid Valley. Place of our first moment of relationship life. Hee. We try to memorize all the sweet moment that time and it was so sweet and EMBARRASSING. Wahaa. Love remembered how my face look like and how was me on that time. (shy-shy cat lagi ok). Now everything is gone, no shy and cat any more. Hehe. What a day we had. Later after having a lunch, we went to watch a movie, Life As We Know It. The sweetest movie I've ever watched. With this I representing you bundle of photos at the time I was with Love.
Okay. Lunch time.
Posing! Chicken...
Okay. Macho macho.
Lamb Shank
Grilled Salmon. *I think so lah.
While waiting for movie.
Posing ala Model. *tapi hampeh.
Night of the day was my time for celebrating with family members. We went to Borneo Rainforest, Bandar Sunway. Huh! The Chef of the restaurant knew Abah so well and that makes us to be more easier to have nice meals for dinner. He came by and asked for foods that we wanted to have for our special dinner. Yes! That's a good chef. Hee. We ordered so much things till my tummy gonna blown up. Seriously. I was so happy as to celebrated with family excluding my eldest and her family because they were not in Subang Jaya. Too bad haa. Hmmm. I ate rice for the night, pergh!!! Tired of eating. I never felt that before okay. These are some photos taken while we were there.
I actually snap for Euphoria tuh. Huhu. Sorry sys.
I looked older than her. *tak puas hati nih
I am so mata katak.
This is the real SUPERMAN.
And this is super food. Huhu.
Dinner time.
Happy family.
Ni lah anak Tok Cin. Hehe.
This is the photos for my enclosure.

I had a great time for the whole day. Hope to get it more superb next year. Till then.


p/s: THIRTY-EIGHT photos all together okay. Banyak gila.


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