Ayam KFC memang sedap

What with the title above? Huhu. But you must know well than I ever know that KFC's fried chicken has a great taste that attracts peoples all over the country. It could not be beaten by any other restaurants. Hee. I investigate it enough okayy. Hee. Guys2, how about "Bubur Ayam McD", or my Mom's porridge?

How will you prepare for you to cook a home-made porridge? How? How? Share please because I wanna share hows Ibu prepare for porridge. This is the way. Firstly, you must make a rice porridge. The measurement, follow your heart. Haha. Easy. Like this;
Heh. Hmm sedap nya! For those who don't eat porridge just like my Love, you will feel regret because you don't take it some for your tongue to taste. It's powerful! Okay. This is the main course of the dish, they have side ingredients to put in for you to feel more grateful. It included;
The importance for me. Telur Asin@masin.
Bawang goreng. Not necessary for me.
Kacang Tanah. Not necessary neither.
Cili Kicap. This is NECESSARY for me.
Bilis Goreng. Not necessary at all for me.

Don't be like me because I don't eat those scary stuffs. Hehe. It's actually not so scary but I felt that way. Just me because I am not a vegetarian. I don't eat vegetables at all tho I knew that it's good and very good for our health but still I decide to not eat. I dunno why my tummy cannot accept those foods. Huhu. While I was busy preparing for my porridge to be eaten by me for my lunch, (Taking photos here and there, nak masuk dalam blog lah kata kan) I found these activities done by The Kenits Team;
From the top: Hazique(eldest), Harizs(second).

Cute! Cute! Intelligent and brilliant. Alhamdulillah to have them as parts of our family. There are just too cute for me and there are kind and very very good boy. We hope and always pray that they will be succeed in future and will always be good man future. Heh! As an aunty to them, I have to support them in everything they do right and always advise to the wrong thing they done. Just like I did, I asked them to strike a pose as I am publishing their creativity of coloring using the glitters and sands, and said that, "It's nice. Keep on doing it,". Huhu! Tho, I don't really sure that, it's nice or not. Hee. (Teruk punya aunty nih). After I've done with my porridge I watched TV to reduce my boring-ness even I knew that TV is the most boring things if there are no such BOOM movies. Heh! Seriously. Iklan lebih pada cerita. I keep on changing channels to find the best to suits my head. Haha. Later, I captured this;
Before and After. Huhu. This is so cute.

Suddenlt. my eldest sister came by my house to put up her little ones because she had something important to be done at night. Thus, we are busy talking to each other because I've never met her for such times. Huhu. Look what I found for your laughableness because of muka kering beliau.
Muka sangat kering. Haha. Funny but CUTE!

Without any guilty faces, he made us laugh out loud because of his nerd and naive face he made. He ate that "Ayam KFC memang sedap" by his own, he take it his own, he sits his own and he even make that damn cute face on his own. Fuhh! (Sedap sangat agak nya "Ayam KFC memang sedap" ni). Hehe. Okay. That isall I wanna share, if you wanna try the porridge, go ahead you won't even die lah hokeyy. It's good at taste. Plus, you can even try the "Ayam KFC memang sedap" at KFC near your house. Till then.



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