That day, I hug her with an 8mos tummy~~

But now she's already delivered the baby. Haha. What a pleasant day I had. It's such a shock moment I got, when I heard that, "Hey, Kak Siti bersalin ady buddy. We are at Putrajaya's hospital now!!". Really?! I don't have any other feels to expressed more, unless shock and happiest mood ever. It brights a clumsy and down day of mine. Seriously. Huhu. Alhamdulillah. Ops, forgot to tell ya, it's baby boy. Wohoo! Presenting the new baby born
Muhammad Mifza bin Alias.

Huhu. Exactly looks like his Mummy man. Chinese look? Yes, he was because his Mummy looked like chinese woman. Haha.
There you go, the tight one was his Mummy. Kan macam cina sikit tuh. Huhu. But at the time we arrived, she was packing her stuffs with the baby who ready to be home. She's there for three days and that's enough okay. No need to stay long more. This is her first time to have her own baby on her own guidance. It's up to her on how to handle the baby and what ways to raise the Mifza up. (Suka hati dia la kan, anak dia. Haha). Her husband known as Abg. Yeye was so happy to welcomed the baby and it really shown on his face who at the moment I was there, he was feeding his new baby while smiling. That's how the proud Daddy goes. Huhu.
That is how the proud Mummy goes.

Hmmm. I am still in shock because last week I was hugging her with her 8mos tummy and now she had deliver the baby. Tak percaya dowh! But yet, I am proud of you sis. She lived near my house at Batu Tiga, Shah Alam. Meaning to say that, it was easy for us a.k.a my family not me to look after her soon. Hee.
Putrajaya Hospital, Putrajaya.
The time we arrived and rushing towards her. Huhu.

What a sunny day. We parked our car very far from the main door and we have to walked about 500m. Haha. Nah! It's okay but for me not Ibu. Pity Ibu because she have to walk that far. Hmmm. But what to do. Sorry! :-( Hmmmmm.
Look what I found there. The baby born are not allowed to be fed by bottle and the Mummies have to breastfeed them as it was the rules need to be followed by the patience who delivered a baby there. Haha. But look at the tiny bottle above this photo, that's owned by baby Mifza because Kak Siti had no milk at first so that she decided to feed baby Mifza using bottle first, while waiting for the milk to start milking. Hehe. (Tau kat hoapital mati kena bebel. Haha).

By the way, I got an information that Putrajaya's Hospital was under Government sector. I don't even know it because I did noticed that before I've been told by one of my friends who their family member had been admitted to the hospital, that the hospital was private hospital. Hmmm. I wondered why did my friends told that to me so. Huhu. It's okay buddy, misinformation maybe. I don't mind. The services provided were quite cool and the nurses and staffs were friendly enough. Heh. That was the important part of hospital where they should have a very friendly staffs which would make things goes fine.
That is how the story goes. I think that is all I could write because I have no mood to day. AT ALL! No one have made me smile for once. I am so heartbroken with things goes by. Hmmm. I hope that everything's gonna be fine sooner. I want to celebrate my day with happiest feelings tho it will be not with family beside, but it's okay I have to learn that from now. Till then.



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