What will you aspect if someone give you surprise of anything???

Know what I got for my birthday surprise from Love? He called me just now and said, "Baby, I'll be admitted tomorrow at Prince Court MC,". What?!! Why is that. Huh. He'll be admitted because of his knee, which suspected by doctor that the tissue had broken. Hmmm. What a day people! I want a happy news but I got this and I started to worried. I hope that everything's gonna be fine. I wanted him to be fine so that he could do what he always did. Hmmm. I was so damn speechless when I did know that this afternoon. Being so upside down and my mood from green turning black. I am so sad but I could not show it to bunny isn't it. I have to show that I am fine enough and I am strong to be by him. Haha. It's not that sad okay just that I knew how the pain goes. My sister had been through this before and I experienced the feel of the painfulness. (Sangat sedih bila dia sedar and said, "It's painful!!!"). How can I imagine of not being by his side while he was in operation of fixing his knee. Kejam nya I ni kan. But, what can I do, I'm at Malacca and I have classes to attend for and I can't be by your side. Huuuu. I am so sorry Love. I promise, I'll pray for your healthiness and I'll always the best for you. Don't feel the pain.

But know what, being admitted into PCMC is Amir Hafiz's big dream. Haha. And something had attract my attention when he said that he will be admitted at Prince Court Medical Centre (PCMC). Wahaa. I ever dream to step my feet into that MC but still none of my relatives are admitted there. Heh. So, no chance to go and now Love will "check-in" tomorrow but I'm not in KL, thus I still don't have a chance to go. Hmmm. Here are some info about PCMC where it's a private healthcare facility located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, plus it fully owned by Petronas.
This is PCMC's logo. Heh.
These are some photos showing how the PCMC look like.

Great isn't it? It does not look like a hospital neither. Just like a six stars hotel. Fuhh!!! okay done. To know more just go to their website okay. Enough is enough. I'm doen. Just to inform that Love will be admitted to PCMC tomorrow, ON MY BIRTHDAY!!! Hokeyy. Another shot of tension-ness showed by me to say that I am so depressed of not being there by him. Argh!!! If love ever know that I am so disappointed to not be by him while he was not well. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to. Huu. Till then, wait for my next post hokeyy.


P/S : Sorry but I have no mood to write a very extra ordinary long post. Haha.


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