Soul of Mine

Aloha Malaysians and all the readers. How are you guys doing? Hope that everyone are fine and have a very good Sunday today. Woke up in the morning at 10am with a very painful stomach so I went to ... Hehe. (paham-paham je lah kan. Huhu). Then, Ibu said that we were about to go for breakfast after she went to Pasar Tani. We went to Pappa Rich at Taipan, Subang Jaya near my house. I ate oh no, WE ate lots utnil everybody get their tummy tights with foods. Later, a lil' bit of surprise for me where there was a slice of cake which I need to blow the candle on it. Huhu. Thanks to Ibu, Abang and Lady'B for that. It's meaningful for me even not everyone were there to celebrate. Huh! No photos because it's a surprise and I am not thinking of bringing the camera pun. So that, no photo for that.

Okay. enough for the day's activity. I wanted to talk on my day out with sisters of mine yesterday. Pending publish because I'm home around 1am and very extra tired because I went out the whole day. Furp! Yestersay, I and Hanson went to Kg.Pandan to bring my uncle to his friend's house, then crawling to Empire Gallery, Subang Jaya for my uncle's sound check. He had a show at Jazz Festive there. Atilia was also there but yet I don't have any photo of her. Yes, at all. Huu. Sorry. Now we walked to find foods for soul. Huh!
Waiting for money. money. money. Ahah.
Walked and run and walked back okay enough. While waiting for uncle's turn, we went for lunch at...
 Madam Kwan's. Hmmm.
 The one that attracted me to be at the table.
Iced Milo. RM6.90~ Sedap and tak rugi.
Nasi Lemak (Chicken curry, Chicken floss, Sambal Bilis, Egg, etc.) RM tak ingat
Fried Kuew Tiaw RM15.++
This is my uncle. p.Lo Tom. He's an expert drummer hokeyy.
Posing here and then.
Hanson. I'm with her. Hehe. She cutted her very long hair tau.
Then, be home to picked up Lady'B and went for karaoke at The Summit, USJ. Super! It was such a long time I've never been to karaoke. Felt excited and sad at the same time where I'm always with Love to go for karaoke, but he's injured, so can't be with us.
Sorry. Only two photos that been edited. Later I'll upload more okie. Sorry.

After done shouting and yelling not singing haha, we went to watch p.Lo at Empire but at the time we were there he's done performing. That was so disappointed okay. I was damn excited to see him playing man. Just to publish in blog. But, tak dak rezeki lah tu kot.
While Atilia was busy singing, we did this. Haha.
When the celebrities were busy talking. I did this.
We just have nothing to do. Wrapzz! Super delicious as I wanted it for so long.

Memang best when you hang out the whole day with your loved ones. We make it while we are still here. Appreciate them as there are still with us. They are the one who will take care of us when we are sick and they are the only who will accept us for who we are because no one can did that other than family. Family first! Everything other than family goes second floor. Okay. Remember that! Don't fight for a small things. Forgive is everything and you'll be paid soon. Till then.



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