Rock Family's Open House

Holaaa. How are you guys doing? Hope everyone's fine. Nothing much to say because of having this mentality ads problem. Freaking out to see my ads of Nuffnang was at the top which it suppose to be in the middle of the contents. But what to do, I has mentioned it to Nuffnang and hope that they will respond soon as possible. Ergh!

By the way last Saturday on 9 of October, my family were having a big big open house which attended by our big family members and friends. Fuhh! Super damn tired, foods-finished! Licin siott. Huhu. Many of photos taken since I got my camera already. Heh! So bon appetite with all the photos;
Before we start our open house
 Celebrating Abah n Abg Ferok's birthday
This is my beloved
They just arrived
Abah's buddies convoy with their superbike
It's time to go home buddies
God's nature. It's beautiful. Right from my house.

Nothing much I wanna say. Just pictures which does not contains much of my family members faces. Haha. Till then.


p/s: please Nuffnang please!!!


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