The reason I'm here

Is to be home and to relax my mind by seeing my family's faces. They are just the one who could calm me down in any way. They could me make me laugh and angry at the same time. I'm angry because of house is not-so-clean and I laughed because I am yelling like a nenek. Huhu. (kalah nenek I okay). For once to think of the benefit of my yelling is, house are clean and tidy up. Hati senang, everything goes smoothly. I am wondering why people who lived with a very messy place, could live their life in the very messy things goes on. Hmmm. Tiny house are perfect enough for me and clean house is very me. I don't like a messy things and stuffs that are not being arrange.

These are some tips to maintain your home as a peaceful place:
  • Clear Regularly: This sounds like the obvious solution to having a mess, but if you keep a schedule and clean a different room of the house every few days, and do a "clean sweep" before you got to bed every each night, you can keep your surroundings clean with minimal effort.
  • Stay Organized: As you accumulate new things, be sure you are also regularly donating and tossing stuffs you no longer use. Also, be sure everything you own has a 'home', so you can put things away quickly and find things easily.
  • Don't stress over a little mess (just like I am): If you have small kids or another situation that makes keeping clean house especially hard, give yourself permission to have a little clutter. While it's great to have minimal clutter, sometimes stressing about an inevitable amount of mess can cause more stress. (yes, it is people). Thus, work toward order but don't obsess.
Huh! It's just three of it I could share because I experienced it by my own so that I could share some of it. Plus, these are 5 habits that keep your home clean:

Habit 1. Don’t put it down, put it away. So much time is spent just putting things away or where they belong, that it makes sense to remind yourself to put things away, don’t put them down. Make this a mantra that you repeat every time you or one of your family members have something in your hands that you’re tempted to put down, rather than put away. Print it on a piece of paper and hang it on the fridge to get everyone in on the “put it away” meditation!

Habit 2. Clean as needed. Why wait four more days to clean the toilet if it needs to be cleaned now? By cleaning on an as-needed basis, the house will stay cleaner longer, and will help you reduce those allday marathon cleaning sessions.

Habit 3. Spot clean. Don’t keep walking by those finger smudges on the door trim or the cake splatters on the kitchen cabinets. Clean as you see the smudges and spots and you’ll be amazed at how clean your paint stays and how good your wood work looks. Keep a damp microfiber cloth that’s been lightly sprayed with an all-purpose cleaner in a plastic bag or a used baby-wipe container. Then, when there’s a spot somewhere, you’ve got an instant cleaner on hand.

Habit 4. Designate an entry area. If you enter the house through the garage or laundry room and don’t have an actual space to put shoes, purses, keys, jackets, bookbags, etc., then chances are you have that mess all over the house and have a hard time finding your keys when you’re ready to leave. Establish a point of entry for the family, where everyone leaves dirty shoes, books, purses, etc. Set up this area with hooks for keys, purses, jackets, etc., and shelves for mail. A simple area can be created inexpensively. This keeps everything together in one place so the clutter doesn’t go all over the house, and you can find your purse when you’re ready to leave.

Last but not least and even the most important things to be done by everybody is

Habit 5. Everyone helps. Assign duties to everyone in the house. Or, assign rooms to everyone in the house, in addition to their bedrooms. If the children play in the living room with toys, then assign them the living room to keep clean. Everyone lives in the house, so everyone can help. Too often, household chores and tasks fall on one person. Make it everyone’s job and everything stays cleaner.

Heh! So how was it? I hope that everyone could do this for you own sake. You wanna see your house as beautiful as you ever dream, then you are the one that should make it your own. So that, it will be just like what you dreamed of. Seriously. I made it. But sometimes it screwed up when the kenits are here at home. (tunggang terbalik semua nya). That is all I could do. That is the reason I am here now, to clean my house and clean it and even clean it some more. Just to make sure that my house is in clean mood. Huu. Sedap mata memandang, sedap lagi tangan dan kaki yang mengemas. Haha. Apa punya peribahasa daa?? Ok laa. Till then.

p/s: I am home because of I wanna be home. Okay.



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