Direct from Malacca to.....

.....Prince Court!!!
Yeah2 people. I was there. At the moment. At the right time and right place. Fuh! At last, I step my foot there. Huhu. I was babysit Love till late night. Look after him tho he was an old man, still he need to be babysitting. Huhu. What a day here at the fifth floor of Prince Court MC in the middle of the Kuala Lumpur. I felt very glad to be here with him and to accompany him. Yes, I'm not a good girlfriend but I might be good at once. Hee. Promote own self. Ahaks! I don't have much words to say just pictures to describe on what had happened there. Hee.
At the time I arrived, he got this. From me. Huu~
 That was how the leg looked like. Kesian.
The very extra stubborn patient I've ever saw.

I am just so speechless to see him there because I was so excited. Hee~ But to saw him in the way of it, it's just made me so damn sad. Every single time I met him, he was so perfect laughter guy and now he can't move that fast. Still he can but not that fun las before because he has to limit his movement. Pity baby. I was so impressed to see the building and every single thing in it. Unique! Super! Best! Elegance! Ahha. (Just like talking bout girls, but no not, it's hospital buddies). Hee. My enthusiasm became deeper than before. Pergh! (kalau I been admitted, nak minta masuk situ, boleh tak?). Hee. Wanna know why did I was excited with PCMC, these are the evidence. Huhu. Enjoy~
Look at the toiletries. Doesn't it look like a hotel's one?
LCD screen tv hokeyy.
Super wardrobe with a shower suit.
Damn refrigerator man.
This is the most that I'm waiting for actually. Huu.
Fish n Chip at the Food Gallery of PCMC.
and Thai Fried Rice.
Dessert. Bread Butter Pudding. Super sedap. Heh!

All are good! Perfect hospital you should go for. Haha. I mean all the services are good enough. Staffs are fine. Foods are great. Specialties were heaven. Huu~ I can't describe more with words. It's something called feels towards something that you dreamed of for so long. Hee.
It's meal time.
His ward.
At the time we wanted to go to the cafeteria.
He is just so perfect for me. I'll take care of you sayang ok.
I yang sentiasa menyebok.

Haha. Hmm. We eat and eat and find foods to eat. Sum more eat and finally get back home living him alone at hospital. Wuhuu. So sorry, have to I'm not your wife, just an ordinary girlfriend to you. Sad! Hee. I was so glad that he had being discharged on 23rd of Oct at 1pm and now he's at home. I am so grateful. I hope that he would be fine with a concern from his family. He had sick leave for two weeks and praying that the members from workplace could understand the situation of him. The condition forced Love to not go for work. (bukan sengaja, tapi terpaksa untuk masa hadapan). So sorry for him. Sorry to you guys too. He didn't mean to, but times goes by and the knee forced him to do so. What to do? Eyy, I forgot something;
The national's proud of. KLCC and KL Tower. Huu. Tall.

I think that is all I could share with you guys. I have no more photos to be uploaded and to share about what I go through. Just a little peace of photos. Huu~ Hope that Love will getting well soon and pray for everybody to be in good condition. Till then.



  1. cantik gler PC tu..
    hrgenye pown mst cantik.. ;)
    xpnah tgk hosptl yg bg byk facilities mcm tu.. (even gov. hosptl)
    hrge nye pown msti cantik kn? haha.. =)

    em, smoga cpt sembuh ye !!


  2. yeah2..dah ok..alhamdulillah..


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