20102010. Yes! This is it.

Okay. I just love the date today 20102010. Ahah. I love the date but not the day where I have a very bad news, bad condition, bad thinking in mind and even bad weather here at Malacca (jerebu kuat sangat, padahal Melaka nak celebrate Melaka maju 2010). Hmmm. Yet, I am celebrating my birthday again without my family and Love (who had been admitted at Prince Court Medical Centre), at Malacca. (that's the bad news actually). Nahh. I just don't want to think of anything bad while he was still okay.

Another bad news is where Maxis had some problem now and only here at Malacca, where there is no coverage network and I can't call anyone! Even one. At the time being and at a not so good moment I had now, it was so bad to be in this situation. Perf** I need to know about him every second. I need to call someone to tell that Love was being admitted in ward. But WHY NOW MAXIS??? Ergh!! I just hate this time. I hate to be in this condition. I really hate this. I wanna know where, when, who, how and every WH question about him.

On my very pleasure day, I am pissing off with Maxis and everything screwed up where it spoiled my mood. We are just "bergantung" on FB to connect to each other. What a day I had today? Tapi, I have to thank to God for giving me all this which He's actually want me to be strong than before. He wants me to built my confident in trusting my Love. Huh! Alhamdulillah atas segalanya. I pray for my Love to be well soon. I pray and will always do. :'(
On my birthday today, firstly I would like to thank to God for giving me opportunities to live in this big world of Him. I'm just a small tiny people who can't argue any of His order. Next, of course to the one that brought me in her tummy for about 9mos, the one that delivered me, the one that raised me up to be what I am now-Che Som by Hj.Shaari a.k.a Ibu. Huhu. Thank you so much for giving me everything that I wanted from I was a baby till now. Still I have a request tho I've grown up ady. Huhu. Sorry. It's just a mother-daughter things.

Then, I'll of course thank to my beloved one and only-Mohd.Husin b Mohamed Anwar a.k.a Abah who grew me up like a child and make me be who and what I am now. You make me be the one I was now. You make me thing of only good things to make. Thank you Abah for being a good Abah to me and others. Superb! Later, I would like to give a bagful thank to my dearest siblings who always with me whenever and wherever I need them for any condition. Thank you so much for being a wonderful siblings and rock on babeyh! They are such a greatest of the greatest. I could find no one like each and every single of them.

Last but not least, Amir Hafiz known as Love, thank you for being by my side tho we just known for two years but it means lot to me. You are so very super duper blissful for me. You bright my life and you even brings shines into me. I was so brighter than before since you came into my life. Seriously. You make me complete the whole thing of me and you make me smile. Opsyyy, not to forget to all my friends who ever celebrated my birthday (even you all sang two songs for me), but it's just so meaningful for me. Thank you so much to everybody whoever wished me through handset, through FB and neither face-to-face. Thank you so veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy much for the wish! May Allah bless everybody in this whole world. Hah!

What?! Big celebration? Hmm. Wait lah till I be home this weekend. I'll publish every single activity I did. Okay? Sexy from the head to the toe. Hehe. Thanks to all. Happy birthday to me and
Till then. Tata~~

P/S : I really hope one day one of my family members will read my blog. Huhu.


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