Sitting on the saddle

Wohoo not me but Love. Haha. Once upon a time in month of Ramadhan, Love told me, one of his friend told him about riding horse activity and it attracts Love's attention. Plus, his friend told him about the fees which makes Love became more excited to join the club. Haha. At first I was damn mad with that, lepas satu-satu dia try untuk buat and make me live in a very harmony-less life. Hee. I like horse but for him to do it and everyday go for it, hmmmmmm. No comment.

One day, Love decided to show me the truth that he is not lying to me of riding a horse, he brings me there. I was so excited to go because I like horse so much, just I don't have any chance to go for it. I am not working and I'm still studying so, PAHAM-PAHAM je lah kan. Huhu. The club named as "DENAI ALAM RIDING & RECREATION CLUB" @ DARC. When I saw the place, the first thing that I try to watch neatly is, who is the person that always there to ride or to lepak. Most of it are guys and it makes me terminate all the benda tidak betuk saya fikir in my mind. Hah. Tho, most are oldies lah. No worries and even have children's.

So, I watch Love ride the horse with full of skills that the trainer taught him. Pergh! Macam expert lah sayang. Haha. I was so proud of him when there were a guy who came to me and told me that "Amir ni is very good rider you knoe. He's very quick to learn. He is so brave to compare with others' new rider like him,". Haha. What? Really? Wow, that was impressed me and make me very proud of him. But, things that I noticed is Love is someone that quick to learn new thing. Itu lah Amir Hafiz saya. Huhu. DARC is placed at Denai Alam, Shah Alam. New place, new residents around the place, new house to b built and everything is new.

DARC was actually a place where they built it for charity. The owner was Chinese but he always make a charity for Malay orphanage. Wasn't that good? Huhu.
This is what I mean. Haha. DARC.
Okay. Presenting "TETAP" nama di beri. Haha. The horse.
Here you go, the proud rider, Mr. Amir. Huhu.
There he goes with Tetap. Huhu. Cute! ♥
He is not done yet okay. I thought that he will be finished right then but it's not because the trainer bring Love and Tetap walked around the big DARC and I was stand still and wait for them to arrive. Hehe. It's okay sayang, I'm willing to do anything for you. Huhu. Wanna see Love after riding? Huhu. Don't laugh haa.
Hahaha. I'm the one that laughing because Love sangat terbuka kaki dia and looks very tired.
So that, after all I've seen and watched the surroundings, than only I trust him to go alone. Huhu. Sorry dear, am afraid to lose you. Haha. You are mine. Heh. Ok laa tempat dia. For those who interested, just join it's only RM180 per family and and and PER YEAR beb. Mana nak dapat like this cheaper. Tell me. Huh! No regret seriously. Go ahead. Tapi mesti mau minat kuda laa, if not you'll not feel the beat. Huhu.

Till then. Tata~~


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