Selamat Hari Raya - 2010

Assalamualaikum. Fuwahaa! It's been eight days I left my blog to celebrate my Eid Mubarrak at my hometown, Kedah. Ehe. Best! Super duper best.

Ok, I know that I forgot to publish any Raya entry before I left. I do apologize for that. And now, I take this chance for wishing all of the Muslim all over the world, "SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI, MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN". Hehe. I was so excited that making me forgot my Lp sum more. (bila dah lupa Lp, maknanya lupa segalanya. Including Blog and FB). Sory everyone. Huhu. I'd like to share my experiences on celebrating my Hari Raya at my Kampung. Gila best. To those who tak balik raya di kampung, I am so sorry for that. But kampung is the greates place to be at when it is the Hari Raya. (Love tak balik raya di Penang lah, because his sister masih dalam pantang, pity you lah). He even told me that, he was damn bored celebrating Hari Raya di KL which don't have anything and anyone. Silent! Huhu. My village is at Bandar Bharu, Kedah and it's definitely after Sempadan Kedah Darul Aman. First exit, it's Bandar Bharu. Little kampung but lots of joy. Met big family members.

Alhamdulillah, road is not so jam. Still moving but a bit slow BUT still moving (at least). Haha. Lady'B drove and took us about four hours to arrive there. Wanna know an experience-story? Macam ini story dia, we actually decided to leave at 12pm, then it dragged to 1pm because of some difficulties. But, there more difficulties when it comes to kereta Abah sudah give warning that the battery was to be charged. Haha. We went to a mechanic at SS19 near my house suddenly! we have to take out all the stuffs in the boot for the mechanician to check what was going on. Huhu. It was so funny to see all the stuffs were out and people who passed by were looking at our too many stuffs on the side of the road. Telaka. Telaka. Seriously, I was laughing out loud. (itu sebelum kena marah dengan Big Boss, Abah laa). Haha. Hmm. Later on, the mechanician kata, "You have to go back first, it may take about hours untuk siap. Sebab barang tak ada,". Thus, we called Bg.Ferok to pick us up while Abah was going to meet Aunty Ijat. Heh. Sampai rumah, we all collapse till 6pm and there was no incoming call from the mechanician pun. Langsung! So, Ibu tried to call them and they said that it'll finish in about an hour more. Punya lah lama gila dia nak siapkan. Taik betui. We buka puasa at Naili's Taipan and it's been years we never been there because there's a lot more yang lagi sedap pada kedai itu. Huhu. Jahat kan. At last, kami gerak lepas berbuka around 9pm. Konon nak balik awal supaya sampai sebelum berbuka tapi akhirnya ini yang terjadi. What to do? Redha aja and syukur. Hee. We arrived there at 1.30 in the morning. Disturbing people at Kampung. Kasihan mereka.

1 day we've been fasting at Kedah and waiting to celebrate our joy of Hari Raya. Bahang dia memang dah terasa sangat kalau kami dah ada di Kampung. Of course, semua orang pun macam tu kan. Hee. Ketupat, Rendang, Lodeh, Sambak Udang, Nasi Impit and so much more sudah siap sedia when Lady'B the Chef was there plus Ibu the leader cooperating with her. Huhu. Kami tulun mereka di dapur to make their work more easier and faster. Cepat siap, cepat makan. Haha. Itu yang saya mahu.

Right after berbuka for our last day of berpuasa, we went solat and smiling to each other saying with smiling telling that tomorrow is HARI RAYA dudes. Huahua. I was like cracking person lah on the moment, sorry. (because I was just arrived from Kampung, Kedah and terus on9). Hmmm. This year I don't feel the happiness so much because two of my Very Very Important Family Members (VVIFM) were not with us and we were celebrating just five of us Ibu, Shrex, Hanson, Lady'B and Me. Abah was celebrating with the other's side and Ayeen also was celebrating with her in-laws. Hmmm. Boring and the mercun was not so playing their role. So bertambah lagi boring saya. Abah came on the third Hari Raya day and brought us a very big smile. Happy to see him sebab baru dapat rasa Joyful tuh.

After that, we went back and my dad met our big family. Hugging and bersalam raya together. Huhu. Happy. I actually knew that my sentences and words were tonggang terbalik rite. So that, I decide to stop right now and continue later with a very perfect arrangement of words. Hee. Next entry will be only photos of raya. Okay? Sorry, but I'm lack of words. Till then.



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