Hari Raya with Love

Okay. Okay. I know that I mentioned on my next entry it will be the photos of my Hari Raya moment. But, it were too many of photos to be uploaded in and it may take such a long time to upload and I am about to go out soon. Thus, I decide to upload it on maybe the next after this entry. But I'll publish about my activity with Love when we first met after Hari Raya. (kami belum beraya lagi and I am waiting for duit raya from him). He came to my house around 12pm where actually it should be 10am but he woke up LATE which really pissing me off. Ergh! Tension jeh. I've been calling him till it gets into 71 missed call from me. What?! Have you ever make  a call of this number to somebody? Haha. Crazy people could do this (only). Okay. Settled.
We were on our way to...

...Mid Valley, Bangsar to watch Resident Evil - Afterlife. Pergh. Sampai and saw a very long train queue of peoples who were waiting for their turn to buy the ticket for movie. Hmmm. So then , we went to The Gardens, Bangsar and bought a GOLDEN CLASS ticket for that movie.
After bought the ticket we went for finding foods to eat. Heh! We decide to eat at DELCIOUS. Yeayy! at last he made it. He brought me there. Here are some of photos taken when we there.
Okay, while waiting for foods ordered. We have this for you.
After done eating we went for window shopping which he asked me to see what I wanted and later after watching movie, he'll bought for me what I wanted for. Hehe. a very big smile came out from my ugly face. huhu. Thanks Love.

We go and watch Resident Evil - Afterlife. Disappointingly, the movie was not so superb as the first till the third one. They did not fight much but they talks a lot so that I was really angry because I asked Love to watch STEP UP-3D but he don't want because he wanted to watch Resident Evil - Afterlife. Ended up with a stressfulness feelings and very disappointed heart. Huh! I wanted to watch it so much and hoping that it will be the most exciting and GEMPAK movie but it doesn't. Too bad. Hah!
Here's the place we watched movie.
Look! How exclusive the GOLDEN CLASS was.
Okay while waiting for the time this is what he asked me to do. Haha. (posing like a model je kan).
See! Hmmm. Letih woohh. Huhu. But it's okay sweetheart.

Then after happy of posing here and there we went for the movie which really disappointing me not him. He said it still okay. Hmm. What la deyy. (cerita tak bagus, but he said the technology dalam cerita tuh very the baguih one mehh). Ok. Admit that and be silent. Huu. After two hours watching and be dizzying with the 3D spec, we went for a walk and chow for foods AGAIN. Haha. We are the great eater. Hee. So we went to.....
Look how he made me the chopstick. Senget benget. Huhu.
This is he ate alone. Seorang. I just ate a plate from them. Huhu. (Love really like Sushi King so much).

Hehe. Love called my family and asked them for TGIF but sadly Abah can't make out because he just came back form playing golf that evening and felt really tired. So he said that to ask them what they want and take away all the meals home. Thus, automatically eat together. Huhu. Habis!


What?! That is all okay. Finish. Hehe. I don't have much to say anymore okay. I'm sorry and take care. Enjoy your day of life. Tata~~


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