Friend is just a Friend

Salam. What do you think of a person called FRIEND? Anybody has any comment to make? Hmm feel free to do that. I am not a tiger or even a King-Kong. Haha.

By the way, I really need to know and understand what is a meaning of a friend. I really and desperately wanted to know it. I want all of you to understand what is the role of being a friend. Hmmm. I have a friends which categorize in a besties, a true friend, a backstabber friend, a simplest friend, a friend and a best friend. Huhu. I have all that types of friend, no matter how bad or how good they were, they are still a friend. Heh!
See, it really shows that how sweet to be a friend to a friend of us. But do you ever realize that, some of our friend are not a really true friend and they could even be a backstabber.
Hmm. Look what people did to the picture above. Does he know that someone will ever do that to him? Haha. Funny and so ridiculous if he does know that. Huh! What I actually wanted to say is, WHAT IS FRIEND's ROLE TOWARDS OURSELF??? I am finding and searching about it for this two three days because I am facing some problems that suddenly occurred and being a serious case. I am still facing it and didn't know when will it be as usual. Plus, it's orang melayu works, so that it will be more kecoh. Tho I was also Malay but yet I am not like them, talking about people and destroy people's dignity and pride. Why with that? Kenapa orang melayu suka menjatuhkan bangsa sendiri dan tak suka tengok bangsa sendiri bahagia? Salah ke orang lain bahagia? Tak kan?

Hmm. What is your opinion about what I said? I was also a friend to my friend. I'm playing my role as a friend who always love to see my friends laugh with what I said or talk on. I am a friend that always cheer them up when they are down. I am also a friend that sometimes did mistakes and hurt their feelings but it's common, everyone made a mistake, so do apologize for that. It's not that hard to say SORRY. (semua orang buat silap, dan tak salah belajar dari kesilapan. Jangan rasa diri ini sentiasa betul). We dunno what we did or even said to others that sometimes might hurt their feelings, so always put yourself in people's shoes and mirror your own self. Ask people whether what you did is right or wrong. We can't see what have we done. Don't simply said that you are always right with what you've done and blame others. Beside, don't just listen to one side but you must be balanced and listen to both then only you could make decision on who is right or wrong.

Additionally, people may change or one day people can change. Maybe it is not much but a little, still there is a change in their life. Thus, it also a common where we should be ready for a changes in our life. We will not stick with it, there must be a changed in us where sometimes we didn't realize that. Friend also will change their way of life because people are not same. Different people, different way of life. They might think that it was the right time to change so, they changed sudden and drastically. And we must not know what are the changes will be like. Maybe in terms of standard of life make our friend change, in terms of family, love life, work life and so much more. And maybe it is come from their own initiative to change, so that they will change. (semua nya akan berubah walaupun sedikit. Takkan ada yang tidak berubah). If not, then how are we gonna live our life without changes? Umur pun berubah apatah lagi perangai dan lain-lain lagi. Hmmm. But, we should realize and understand plus know that not everybody in this world who can understand the meaning of changes and can understand us. Okay. Do remember that always and forever.

Furthermore, as u know they are actually some of your friend that at once you ever said that they was a "true friend" or "best friend" but actually they are a backstabber and not really a good friend of us. They might talk a bad things behind us. They might spread a rumors about us. They might even say things that we never said. Hmmm. What a bad luck you got to have a friend like this. I do have one or maybe two or more. They were spreading a kisah tidak benar tentang saya to all my friends. At last, kantoi they still said that it was others. Apa punya orang lah ini, sendiri buat and yet said others did that. (don't be like others because it will harm u back at last). Just admit if that's your fault, and it doesn't make anything pun. People will respect you more but, BUT but if you promise to change and you truly change lah. Okay? It's not a biggest deal to say SORRY. (again, the same word). Tapi betul lah, tak susah to be humble kan. We have to actually. Jangan sesekali rasa diri anda sentiasa betul dan tak pernah salah. Don't be TOO egois people okay.
In addition, if your friends are the one that stick with their love ones, it doesn't mean that they forget you and the rest of their friends but maybe there are some reason that we do not know. We can't simply said that, "Oh dia ni mesti gf/bf dia tak bagi jumpa kita,". No. Don't ever said that. If you are a true friend, you must know how was their condition in terms of family or works. Might be some of them could not join the group because of busy with their work. For an example, "A chef, they work 8 hours per day and sometimes they have to work more hours based on their workplace at that time. They sometimes have to replace their working partner who could not come to work, so that they work for them. They even have shift at morning and at night". That is an example of person who worked as a chef, how about others? Some of you maybe work at an office and follows office hours so there is no a big deal for you guys but not for them who works as A CHEF, a policeman, a fireman, an army, a technician and seangkatan dengannya. Why can't you understand them, looking through their job and family? Maybe family mereka kata, "Jangan la selalu dok lepak kat luaq tengah2 malam ni," or "Hari ni ikut Ibu keluaq dengan semua," and at the same time you ask this fella to join the group, of course he could not make it kan. What will you do if your Mom/Dad said that to you? Mesti la you will follow it isn't it. (unless you are not so betul punya anak, then only you akan melawan cakap parents you. No that's not a good things to do).

From what I said, I hope that you guys especially the one that are talking about me and my Love will see and looking through all this terms and problems. Investigate whether you or your friends are really a true friend or not. Find it yourself. And please do not judge a book by it's cover. We dunno what will happen in future, we dunno what we will do and what we will get later. Just take a really good care of your own self and never spread an untrue news about your friends before you know the truth. Ask! It will never make your pride felt. Okie. Think about future, one day you gonna marry and will have a baby. That baby will show the roles you were playing now in future. So, fikirkanlah. Hehe. Till then.

P/S : I am here to apologize for the wrong doing I made to all (wujud or tak wujud, tak kisah lah mana-mana, still Sorry). I am really sorry if I do hurt anybody with this entry okay.


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