Mock meeting is done. Celebrate!!!

Ahah. What a great experience I had today with Yna, Pqa, Haz and Jawa. We had a mock meeting for our English subject just now. We are the first group okay. Sangat nervous and shaking everywhere. Haha. It's actually such a good experience for us yg sangat pemalu ini. Seriously. We were like laughing a lot while doing that which is actually have to be serious meeting. But, at last madam said that we satisfied her so much and she was so impressed with our presentation. That was the one we really hope to hear and we heard that, so we were all gone crazy laughing, shouting, smiling and even jumping to express our happiness to heard that.

Huh! What a day.

We decided to celebrate it tomorrow on Merdeka's day and together celebrate Pqa's birthday. Buka puasa kat luar was our planning at first, and tak tau lah depa ni nak buka kat luaq ke dak. Huhu. Hope that if we buka puasa outside, we would not gonna be punished by the warden here because we saw lots of students here were coming late (slumber je mereka, maka kami pun ingin begitu). We are not trying to break the rules but for once, why don't they give us a chance to buka puasa outside. Heh! We wanted to go and accompany Pqa on her birthday shopping. Haha. Bukan Raya Shopping but Birthday Shopping. Huhu. Don't worry Pqa, "We'll not gonna let you down kerna we gonna join you shopping too,". Huhu. But for Yna, "I am not gonna let you shopping so very much!". (Kerana Yna sangat SHOPAHOLIC, so paham2 je lah kan). Haha. Huhu. Hehe. I'm gonna make sure that everyone are having fun tomorrow because I don't love of going out with a not so good mood. That is not good for us. I don't like that situation, I even hate it so much. Hmmm.

I am planning of shop for things of anything but I realize that I have all already. So, nak shopping lagi buat apa? Buat habis duit Abah ja. Kahkahkah. Eyy2, by the way, we were having a big buka puasa with college's students and lecturers which they serve us with Nasi Tomato and Bubur Lambuk. Hmmm. So-so. "Can eat oso maa," kata orang Cina Malaysia. Haha, again. Why am I was laughing so much in this entry. I actually wanna share with you guys about the Mock Meeting we had just now, but if I write in a piece of Lp, hmmm alamat nya sampai tebakar Lp nih. It's too long and too great to describe with a sentences. So I just can say that we were having so much fun and we got a greatest experience by doing that. Thus, soon we could face the meeting situation professionally. Hihi. Ok lahh. Still, my entry without photo. Hmm boringgggg.

Till then. Tata~~

P/S : I will try to take pictures for tomorrow and will publish my entry about tomorrow's activities. Okay. Thanks. Mmuuaahhxx. ♥


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